Technology Is Important, but Not the
Only Component to Deliver Seamless CX

What tools, interfaces, and code help tie disparate systems together?

Here are the Most Vital Capabilities That Support Marketing Strategy Delivery Over the Next 18 Months — after the COVID impact.

The Building Blocks of a Healthy
Marketing Technology Ecosystem

Building on improving the state of the modern marketing technology ecosystem to support effective multichannel marketing.
  • Talent & Culture

  • Training & Education

  • Organizational Alignment

  • Data Foundation

  • Martech Ecosystem

The Core Components of the
Modern Martech Ecosystem

Modern Marktech technologies span under three broader categories for customers and prospects — Engagement, Insights and Operations.


  • Email Marketing Platform
  • Web Content Management
  • Content Marketing Platform
  • Digital Commerce Platform
  • Social Marketing Management
  • Mobile Marketing Management


  • Surveys & Customer Insights
  • Digital Marketing Analytics
  • Web Analytics
  • Marketing Dashboards
  • Mobile Marketing Analytics
  • Customer Identity Management


  • Work/Project Management
  • Digital Asset Management

What’s your strategy?

  • Integrated Suite

    Integrated Suite

  • Hub and Spoke

    Hub and Spoke

When did you last update your search strategy?
How search has evolved — four search transformations that impact your customer journeys?
  • Semantic Search

  • Mobile, Local and Hyperlocal

  • Voice Search

  • Visual Search

At Virtuos Vedam, we can help you with the data to understand how leading brands perform on search and what steps you need to take to reset your search strategy.

Engage Teams with Digital ASAP

Relationware for Marketing Integrations

Integration Is the Most Challenging Barrier to Marketing Technology Success.

We help leading brands with tighter integration of their marketing assets to connect with the myriad of components of Marktech ecosystems and many platforms.

  • 40%Marketing and Customer Analytics
  • 34%Martech Acquisition and Use
  • 30%Customer Experience
  • 27%Digital Transformation
  • 23%Marketing Innovation

Virtuos helps you construct a roadmap to prioritize your integration initiatives.

  • iPaaS/iSaas
  • Tag Management
  • CDPs and DMPs
  • Vendor Marketplaces


We help our customers rationalize their technology stack, reducing the total spend on sales technology and/or sunsetting redundant or ineffectual applications. Our Four Pillar C.Digital Mastermind Methodology helps organizations to think beyond the unthinkable. The COVID-19 has taught us a new equation to remain at the cutting edge with your customer acquisition and retention.


Align your method with your technology strategy and organizational structures.
  • Integrated Suite Strategy

  • IT-Managed Integration Using Vendor APIs and SDKs
  • Integration Services From External Providers
  • Best-of-Breed Strategy

  • Marketer-Managed Integration Using Vendor APIs, SDKs
  • Integration Services From Martech Vendors

ABM — Reshaping the Demand Generation Funnel

We develop comprehensive Account-Based Marketing (ABM) — the go-to-market strategy
  • 84%saw at least a 5% lift in commercial pipeline
  • 13.4%average lift in commercial pipeline
  • Additional Commercial Benefits Reported:
  • Win Rate
  • Average deal size
  • Engagement Benefits Reported:
  • Engagement across account
  • Email performance (open rates, click rates)
  • Funnel Benefits Reported:
  • Form fills
  • MQL to SAL conversions


Build an ABM plan based on your unique business context and your customers, not the opinions of outsiders.

Ground your ABM programs in solid customer understanding. Relevant customer understanding includes: persona-level understanding, enterprise-level understanding, and buying journey understanding.

  • Web Performance
  • Account Engagement
  • Engagement Scoring
  • Journey Analytics
  • Attribution
  • Funnel Lift
  • Sales Insights
  • Firmographic Data
  • Technographic Data
  • Intent Data
  • Predictive Models
  • Display Advertisement
  • Social Advertisement
  • Web Personalization
  • Email/Phone/Social
  • Content Syndication
  • Orchestration/Activation
  • Contact Data
  • Relationship Intelligence
  • Enrichment/Hygiene
  • Lead to Account Matching


  • Audit your current technologies, integrations and processes

    Our CXPrimer can request for an interview with the stakeholders and pinpoint areas of friction in your operations, insights and customer-facing systems.

  • Prioritize your marketing and integration opportunities

    Leverage the 2x2 quadrant to classify projects by business value and effort.

  • Select an appropriate technologies and solutions

    Whether you are opting for an integrated marketing suite or hub and spoke model, we can help you orchestrate your strategy.

Bolster your competitive advantages with VirtuosBe a mastermind,
a Virtuoso!
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