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All Agile
All Agile

All Agile Principles for
the Next Normal.

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Virtuos embarks on Business 4.0 Strategy applying All Agile Principles to renew its vision during the Post COVID Business.As a philosophy “All Agile” intently focuses on customers. Practitioners believe that every work activity has a customer, and that work should be structured around meeting customers’ needs as effectively and profitably as possible.Agile teams work differently from chain-of-command bureaucracies. They are best suited to innovation — that is, the profitable application of creativity to improve customer solutions, business processes, and technology.


Balancing the Agile Enterprise during the POST-COVID economy.A business operating system comprises many components, each of which can get out of balance. To create an Agilenterprise™, the agile leadership team identifies the optimal balance point for each component — this may not fall in the center, depending on the firm’s context and circumstances — and then assesses where rebalancing is needed.


Our vision — “Rid the world of bad experiences” is supported by the shared purpose, mission, and how Virtuos can help brands deliver superior Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience (EX), and Everything Experience (XX).

To avoid ambiguity, we made a structure for our stakeholders to better understand our vision.

Shared AmbitionsMissionHow?
  • Create trusted digital Systems
  • Harness trusted human ecosystem
  • Aspire for better today and tomorrow
Create Virtuoso talent:
  • More energetic
  • More creative
  • Best performing
  • Be skilled first
  • Deliver superior CX, EX, and XX
  • Transform with technologies
  • Impact the planet and society
Our founding values — Virtuosity, Veracity, and Velocity reinforce our shared ambitions, purpose, vision, and mission. Every employee takes a pledge by complying with our founding values Effective from August 2020, we also execute One Page OneVow (OPOV) with all our stakeholders before any transaction.


Virtuos, the Experience and Digital Transformation Consultancy embarks on significant growth using Business 4.0 — a strategy powered by the confluence of Industrialization 4.0, Globalization 4.0, Digitalization 4.0, and Societalization 4.0.

The COVID-19 has taught us to better prepare ourselves and communities contributing to the creation of new Society 5.0.

Leading Agile by being Agile.



Leadership and Culture

The Agilenterprise™ leadership has documented the principles and behaviors that members will adhere to. Such a “manifesto” can serve as a mechanism for holding people accountable. This template, based on the original Manifesto for Agile Software Development, is an effective starting point for customization.

Leadership and culture as the greatest barriers to the successful scaling of agile. We made tweaks to the way we and our teams perceive the culture by clarifying it time and again.

Planning, Budgeting, and Reviewing

At Virtuos, we view plans more as testable hypotheses, to be adapted over time. Throughout our website, we have mentioned our programs that will be part of our executable work. We essentially estimate potential benefits and costs so that the Agile leadership can decide on priorities and budgets through hypothesis evaluation.

Planning, budgeting, and reviewing work together in iterative feedback loops to create an agile plan-do-study-adjust system, just as any individual agile team would.

Structure and Accountability

Most organizations float around without a particular destination in mind, and few of those who know the goal draw a line to reach there. The Agilenterprise™ concept is to harness multiple opportunities in your journey while aiming to reach the final destination.

In the Agile process, we bind structures with an accountability operating model — it includes roles, responsibilities, and decision rights, a management system, leadership behaviors, culture, collaboration methodologies, and so on.

Talent Engine

CX and EX ought to be in unison for Agilenterprise™ success. They are practically inseparable. At Virtuos, we set out a clear ambition (what and why) and metrics for success.

Three critical areas of Agile Talent Engine include:

  • ExperienceJob Framework — Right Job for the right people
  • The OKRX — Objectives, Key Result Areas (KRA), and Experience Foundation
  • ABCD — Attitude, Behavior, Competency, and Diligence Mindset.
  • Radical Work Nucleus — the Agile Digital Workplace Program tied to core purpose — i.e., CX.

Business Processes

Begin with the precise definition of the relationships between customer benefits and key business processes. Design solutions, processes, and technology that must continually adapt as customer needs change.

Customer Wide Operating Model is best suited to develop innovative solutions when what to deliver, how to deliver it, or both, are vague and unpredictable — the typical situation when addressing customer needs.

Technology and Data

Agile has spread fastest among technology innovators, especially software engineers. At Virtuos, we created an agile .DEV portfolio that encourages “Everyone is a Developer” concept.

The problems to be solved are complex, and the solutions initially unknown. Product requirements will most likely change. The work can be modularized and performed incrementally. Close collaboration with end-users (and rapid feedback from them) is feasible. Testing can be automated. Success rates with traditional (waterfall) methods are low. But the value of success is high, especially with the increasing importance to customers of digital solutions.


Agile is a collaborative way of working that embraces change, drives efficiency through iterative prioritization, and measures success through outcomes rather than inputs. Agile principles allow teams the flexibility to make decisions about how to achieve the work needed to meet their goals.
Core Principles

Customer Centricity

Focus on customer needs and outcomes

Continuous Improvement

Advance team and organizational capabilities


Prioritize and deliver value incrementally


Effectively work within and across teams

Empowered Ownership

Establish trust and delegate decision making


Test and learn ideation

Shift the Common Perception of Agile
Agile Software Development
Agile Enterprise
What it is
IT methods and practices for software delivery
A collaborative, flexible, and customer-centric way of working
Stakeholders involved
Agile delivery teams and IT partner functions
All groups that — directly and indirectly — support enterprise priorities
Indicators of Success
Iterative releases of working software
  • Faster output of deliverables that matter most of customers
  • Synchronized, productive, and empowered teams

The Journey to Agile at Scale

Agile's Impact on Speed-to-Market
Understanding HR's Impact on Agile
Redesigning HR Processes

Human Resources’ Role

How HR Supports the EnterpriseHR's primary goal is to maximize employee performance in pursuit of achieving enterprise objectives.
HR's Role in Supporting Enterprise Goals


  • Assess and hire critical talent segments

Professional development

  • Design, build, and implement L&D solutions
  • Develop leaders and high potential talent

Performance Management

  • Evaluate and manage employee performance and engagement
  • Design and deliver compensation and benefits
  • Manage career paths

Organizational Effectiveness

  • Manage organizational design and develpment
  • Manage change

Finance Leader’s Role

How Finance Department Supports the EnterpriseFinance’s primary goal is to maximize profits, control costs, and comply with the statutory and organizational norms.
Finance's Role in Supporting Enterprise Goals


  • Analyze and justify expenses
  • Optimize cash flows
  • Collect fast and pay on time
  • Financial Acumen to negotiate and save


  • Allocate full time with focus
  • Speed to market and less rework
  • Organize information and repository


  • Use RPA and Automation
  • Use Applications for data

Operational Effectiveness

  • Better CX and EX with Professional and Error-free Documentation
  • Organizing information with reminders and notifications
  • Budgeting and Financial Planning

Procurement Leader’s Role

How Procurement Department Supports the EnterpriseProcurement’s primary goal is to analyze existing assets and procure only the necessities; negotiate with suppliers for fair and justified terms; protect organization with T&C that are not inappropriately documented.
Procurement’s Role in Supporting Enterprise Goals


  • Use advanced technologies such as CLM and Analytics
  • Maintain records digitally in secure folders and servers
  • Use communication tools, Calendars, Google Apps, Office, etc.


  • Make buying timelines more predictable
  • Reduce unnecessary or redundant work
  • Organize information and templates

Performance of Assets

  • Ensure high ROI of the Assets
  • Seek higher performance from Assets


  • Follow agile standards of negotiation
  • Use tools to compare and analyze vendors
  • Due diligence on vendors

Role of the Enterprise Leader

Creating Agilenterprise™ during the Post COVID-19 era and Facilitate Supportive Corporate Center Functions.
1Increased productivity, engagement, and innovation across the enterprise.
2Non-IT functions facilitating, rather than hindering agile teams.
3Alignment to a common, customer-centric methodology in support of the enterprise’s digital goals.

Finally, Align Agile With Personal Goals

Three Elements to Inform Your Pitch at Personal Level

Tailor it to the Audience

Focus on what your target audience cares about; reflect their priorities, not yours.

Humanize with Empathetic Experience

Use real experiences to build credibility for the story and empathy for protagonist.

Make it Memorable

Be creative; analogies can be a memorable way to communicate your value.