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Virtuos Team Photo

Virtuoso Team DNA

We assembled some of the top performing teams and formed Virtuos with the clear intent of delivering truly outstanding Customer Experience (CX) Strategy, Digital Transformation Consulting and Experience Cloud Ecosystems.We are the Experience Consultancy.

Why We Are Different

Several things. There's almost a frenetic energy in how we work. It's far more intense than in an average team.

There's a lot more direct, no-holds-barred dialogue

We say a polite team will give you polite results. If you ask us straight, we are not polite teams. We work together physically and intensely-not just by email and phone. There are speed-rapid prototyping and rapid movement of ideas. There's also a very clear statement of what we're trying to do and not do upfront. And there's something in it for everybody.

Lead the change by joining us
Experience Force
Performance Benchmark

We emphasize close quarters and tight time constraints

What does that do for the team? In concert with other things, it ensures true collaboration where ideas, not tasks, are the focus. Where people are belly to belly, and they feel they're under pressure, there's a lot more direct dialogue, a lot of intimacy and an intense blending of skills. There's an acceleration of momentum.

See how we benchmark performance on everyday basis Virtuoso teams vs. Traditional teams

Digital Domain Expertise

CRM and Customer Experience

CRM and Customer Experience

Virtuos has 10+ years of domain expertise in implementing CRM and Customer Experience (CX) Technologies. Our brand new C.Digital Mastermind edge offers an aggrandized portfolio of Professional Services; Experience Design; CXNow Program; and Indicial Digital Maturity.

Digital Process Automation

Digital Operations Management

Traditional Business Processes are becoming autonomous with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the digitized Flower of Services. Virtuos works with leading partners to deliver Customer Experience Augmentation services and O.Digital Mastermind edge across industry verticals.

CX.Digital Transformation

Digital Workplace Technologies

Successful digital workplace programs need a relational leadership mindset, which is an essential part of a successful digital business transformation. Our W.Digital Mastermind edge improves Employee Experience (EX) and productivity by building flexible digital workplace capabilities.

Virtuos is The Idea Hunter

Breakaway ideas come to those who are in the habit of looking for them. Our I-D-E-A framework called "IDEAVERT" helping large brands to think long term by harnessing the mega trends in the age of digital disruption. Our Innovation On (formerly Innovation Open) Lab at Xonomy is bootstrapping new ideas to life.





Digital Etiquette

Most organizations fail to deliver results for their customers citing circumstances, environment, and unanticipated disruptions, but Virtuos rises above these by creating digital etiquette at home front first as the foundational strategy. Right from our hiring process to onboarding employee, and building cultural fitment, we have uncompromising standards to assess digital dexterity — the cognitive abilities and social practices required to create ExperienceJobTM. See our applied framework for digital dexterity.
Digital Dexterity
Source: Gartner
Virtuosoship Employee Dexterity

Virtuosoship Employee Dexterity

Customer @ heart

At Virtuos, we always believe that customers want more, not less. Virtuoso team leaders think about the customer in an ennobling fashion and hold in the highest esteem. Our unique ExperienceJobTM architecture is designed to deliver superior customer experience with an orchestrated symphony of mens, manus, et cor.
Experience Quotient

Mens, manus, et cor

Inspired from MIT, we created Symphony of mind, hands and, heart — important framework to deliver superior customer experiences. It is meant to convey that acquisition of skills, knowledge (mens in Latin) is incomplete if they are not practiced using instruments, hands, and other systems (Manus). Further, if experiences are not delivered from your heart (Cor), they become inhuman and mechanized.

Experience Quotient (XQ)

Virtuos designed Experience Quotient (XQ) Framework to deliver outstanding Customer Experience. As part of our ExperienceJobTM architecture, we train employees on Emotional Intelligence (EQ) with team building, collaboration, self-awareness and other activities. By allocating resources that are truly competent on relevant technical skills, and great potential we serve customers to drive satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.

Experience Quotient


Join us as a customer or an employee to fuel the Experience Economy, we all dream of. We are your partner for creating Experience Architecture. Connect with us on social or contact us.