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Life is often compared to a marathon, but we think it's more like being a sprinter


A day in the life of Virtuosity — learning nuances of modern business, futuristic skills of digital century coupled with exhilarating experiences. Small is new big where you can contribute, and get recognized to reach echelons of success quickly. We also offer great fun at work.

Life at Virtuos Photo 1
Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance

We believe in the fundamentals of 'Work smart, and Work for fixed hours without stressing out' and When people know how much they are valued, they are always willing to go the extra mile! We do offer flexible timings and great empowerment.

Professional Development

Our In-house learning center and access to our alliance partners' programs, such as trailhead (by Salesforce), offer immense opportunities to upgrade skills. Peer group interactions, workshops, an in-house library of thousands of books, magazines help employees professionally. Our Zidd E-Learning Platform (when ready) and Virtuosoship EDexterity Programs helping our employees to learn new skills.

Professional Development
Friday Fun at Virtuos

Friday Fun

On Fridays, we regularly organize birthday parties, indoor games, monthly team activities to ensure that communication within employees is not just limited to professional levels and the bonding is everlasting!

Recreational Activities

Apart from the daily chores of rushing in for deadlines, employees are actively involved in recreational activities that rejuvenate them and gives them new fire to start afresh. Outdoor games, various Day-Out programs are just part of this.

Recreational Activities

Fun and freedom at work — the hallmark of “happiests” culture at Virtuos.

Few glimpses of fun moments at work (behind the scenes)