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Virtuos News and Event
Here are the some of the events where Virtuos is a delegate or a sponsor. Experience Nation and CX Summit are the two events promoted by Virtuos. For Sponsorship opportunities to these events please write to


Salesforce Dreamforce 2019, San Francisco, USA
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19-22th Nov, 2019

Salesforce Dreamforce 2019, San Francisco, USA

Dreamforce has grown into so much more than a conference — it’s an experience like no other. From inspiring keynotes and sessions to visionary thinking to discovering the future of technology to actually changing the world, it’s a truly empowering four days and an event you won’t want to miss.

Previous Events

Creatio (Formerly BPM’Online) Accelerate 2019, Orlando (USA)
2nd-3rd May, 2019

Creatio (Formerly BPM’Online) Accelerate 2019, Orlando (USA)

Gartner Marketing Symposium XPO, San Diego
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29thApril-1st May, 2019

Gartner Marketing Symposium XPO, San Diego

Gartner Application Strategies & Solutions Summit, Las Vegas, NV
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27th-29th Nov, 2018

Gartner Application Strategies & Solutions Summit, Las Vegas, NV

Gartner Symposium, Goa, India
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13rd-16th Nov, 2018

Gartner Symposium, Goa, India

Creatio (Formerly BPM’Online) Accelerate 2018, Boston, USA
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3-4th May, 2018

Creatio (Formerly BPM’Online) Accelerate 2018, Boston, USA