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Voice of the Customer Program

Voice of the Customer Program
Voice of the Customer Program

Customer Voice

A crucial stepping stone on the journey to Customer Experience Excellence. Create an emotional connection with your customers building digital business moments and tracking the voice of the customer. CustomerVoiceTM is part of Virtuos CXNowTM — the program designed to transform your customer’s experiences continuously.CX leaders identify Voice of the Customer (VoC) as their most preferred and outcome driven technology to invest in Customer Experience (CX) transformation.
Customer Data

Lots of data about customers

  • Descriptive: Demographic, life stage, location
  • Relationship: Interactions, transactions, operational
  • Social: Family, friends, corporate
  • Satisfaction: Underlying, immediate
  • Attitudes: Values, decision process
  • Needs and wants: Strategic, temporary, real-time
CX Audit, Audit VoC Technologies

Before CX Audit, Audit VoC Technologies

Find out the format of data and who owns the technology to access data technically and politically. What are the best practices in the age of GDPR privacy environment?

Direct, Indirect and Inferred Customer Voice

Consolidate Voice of the Customer

Direct, Indirect and Inferred — Customer Voice sources. Collect feedback from clients (B2B) or customers (B2C) on sales, support execution, and Customer Satisfaction (C-SAT).


  • 1. Map the journey


  • 2. Identify channels & timeline
  • 3. Test & Iteration


  • 4. Reporting
  • 5. Goal Setting
  • 6. Take Action

Develop Metrics and Measure Impact of VoC

Phase 1: Anecdotal
VoC - Performance


Key Stakeholder Satisfaction: Approval ratings from internal stakeholders.

Activity: Number of people using VoC data, number of reports and analyses, etc.

VoC - Value


Individual Instances: Dollar or customer impact of unique projects using VoC data.

Aggregate Impact: The overall performance of NPS, customer satisfaction, and other metrics.

ROI Correlation: Relationship of customer satisfaction scores to financial and business results.

VoC - Safety


Number of Issues Discovered: Many PR, security or other issues revealed.

Number of Customers Retained: Number and value of customers with issues resolved by closing the loop.

Develop Metrics and Measure Impact of VoC

Phase 2: Analytical
  • 1-4

  • 5-8

1Organize Stakeholders and Focus on Benefits
2Select the Metrics
3Baseline Existing Performance
4Describe the Capabilities of the Solution
5Negotiate the Business Outcomes
6Monetize the Business Outcomes
7Develop the TCO
8Calculate the Hard-Currency ROI

Data Architecture Best Practice

Align With Customer MDM Strategy
Customer MDM Strategy by Gartner
Source: Gartner

Direct Feedback — Choose the Channel
That Works for Your Customers!

Don’t destroy the experiences by giving feedbacks so outdated, or so cumbersome that people hate to give feedbacks. Make sure surveys are personalized, brief, contextually multichannel, engaging, interactive, and actioned.
Indirect Feedback

Indirect Feedback — Coping With an Explosion of Availability Across Phone, Email, SMS, Chat, Social

A tweet, chat or email, sentiments through call recording, or agent notes. This may include social mentions from other sites. Selection of appropriate speech and text analytics technologies is critical. Ownership does not need to be tied to data location.

  • Detection rate
  • Scalability
  • Cost
  • Sentiment
  • Classification
  • Multiple threads
  • Real time
  • Actions

Inferred Feedback — Ascertaining What Your Customers Would Say If You Asked Them

Most implicit feedbacks observed from web behavior, contact center, store, etc. This also includes purchase history and even mouse movements.

  • All Interaction Channels Relevant
  • Usually Already Collecting for Operational Reasons
  • Normally Data Siloed
  • Focus on Linkages
Inferred Feedback
Customer Voice Emblem
Leading VoC Program for transforming digital experiences.
Rich Veins of Insight

Where Are the Rich Veins of Insight That Are Currently Being Untapped?

  • Pilot the most promising VoC feedback sources based on volume vs. quality
  • Plan for a multi-phased investment strategy spanning several years
  • Justify investment by combining departmental operational value with VoC value

How can we Help You

Kickstart CX Primer
  • Kickstart CX Primer to audit existing VoC technologies across the organization

  • Define the intended scope of VoC, its relationship to CXM andbuild the associated business case

  • Determine the most appropriate data model and relevant analytical techniques

  • Start pilots for the "most promising" VoC technologies

  • Assign metrics to measure the impact of VoC and create a mechanism for the distribution of insight