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ABOUT GIFTCART.COMWith huge strengths in technology, experience design, strong commitment and insight to make a leading name in e-gifting globally, the team has put together some of the industry's first and unique propositions such as Personality based gifting, Gift Wizard, Gift Registry, Wish list, Event Butler, Advanced Search and more. Visit
ABOUT INDIC.COMIndic is a company that has digital experience platforms to serve a broad range of audiences with consistent, secure and personalized access to products, services, and experiences across many digital touchpoints.
Indic has a portfolio of brands in stealth mode. For more information visit
ABOUT SWEVEN DIGITALSweven is a brand new company with 1000+ Man years of CRM and Customer Experience Proficiency. Sweven branched out to craft a new story of Sweveners — The dreamers and doers operating in the US$1 Trillion Salesforce Economy. Sweven is headquartered in San Francisco with operations and delivery centers in India and fast expanding into other regions. For more information visit
ABOUT TEKCORPTekcorp offers complete Cloud Transformation Journeys for the customers along with IT Infrastructure Services such as Networking, Storage, Security, and Trust Management across Industry verticals. Tekcorp also operates Technology Division in alliance with leading partners. For more information visit
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CX Audit is one of the seven building blocks of CXNow – The Customer Experience Transformation Program at Virtuos. CX Audit is built on PLUS — Pace Layered Umbrella Strategy Foundation.
Measuring the Customer Experience Successfully Requires Three Conditions to Be Met.
Make managing down as important as managing up
Be inclusive of metrics from all parts of the organization
Look at the emotional, not just the rational
CX Metrics
What’s Commonly Measured for CX
Customer Satisfaction (C-SAT) is still the no.1 most common metric — currently, 57% of surveyed companies (source: Gartner as in the figure) used customer satisfaction scores to measure customer experience. When it comes to Net Promoter Score (NPS) — most often C-Level executives are measured for CX performance is used by 31% of large companies of size $3B+ annual revenue.
About 23% of companies mostly mid to small-sized companies (Under $500M revenue) track metrics for customer repeat orders. About 20% of the companies — More likely to be large companies track CX metrics for brand reputation and about 21% of them for Customer Life-Time Value (CLTV).
Managing Up
The Pros and Cons of Net Promoter Score
Net Promoter Score = "Percentage of customers who would recommend a company (promoters) minus the percentage that would urge friends to stay away (detractors)"
Achieving consistency - Consistency
Suitability at touchpoints - Causation
Closing the loop - Anonymity
Getting buy-in - Integrity
No financial link proven - ROI
Higher response rates - Simplicity
Executive understanding - Frequency
Benchmark-able - Comparable
15- year old track record - History
Captures relationship - Actionable
NPS is invented by Satmetrix (now part of NICE). Virtuos consultants are certified on NPS.
CX Audit of your brand is very critical. Initiate CX Primer for free with our consultants.
It’s increasingly seen “NPS” is most talked about CX metric, but in reality, there are many other measures such as CES, WoMI, BAI to audit your customer experience.
Customer Effort Score (CES) from CEB (Now part of Gartner) is measured by asking a single question scored on a scale from 1 (very low effort) to 5 (very high effort):
– "How much effort did you personally have to put forth to handle your request?"
CEB claim CES is a better predictor of loyalty than CSAT or NPS.
Word of Mouth Index (WoMI) from ForeSee is measured by asking both about willingness to recommend and a second question:
– "How likely are you to discourage others from doing business with this company?"
WoMI research claims that on average, NPS overstates detractors for the most prominent brands by 780%.
Brand Advocacy Index (BAI) from Boston Consulting Group is measured using a weighted calculation of spontaneous and nonspontaneous advocates, neutrals, nonspontaneous and spontaneous critics of a brand.
BCG claims there is a strong positive correlation between BAI and top-line growth — double that of other measures of advocacy.
Good CX
How the Customer Measures You: Facets of a Good Customer Experience (CX)
Bad CX
How the Customer Measures You: Facets of a Bad Customer Experience (CX)
Avoid focusing only on one top-level customer experience metric.
Create a hierarchy of customer experience metrics in a dashboard.
Work with the strengths of NPS and try to minimize the downsides;
Don't ignore the most neglected categories: Quality and employee engagement.
Watch metrics across the whole organization, not just those tracked in one or two departments.
Beware of only looking at rational metrics — also keep an eye on how customer emotions are being measured.