Con sul tareConsultare means "Experts to consult" on Customer Digital Strategy, Operational efficiency, and Digital Workplace Transformation.Explore More
CRM DIGITALCRM Mastermind Design, Digital strategy, Implementation, and Professional Services
CUSTOMER EXPERIENCEWorld's first "CX and Digital" Fusion of technologies and transformation services
EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCEHR Technologies, Digital WorkPlace Programs, Talent Management, and EX Strategy
EVERYTHING EXPERIENCEThe Hyper Automation, DevOps, and Low-Code No-Code Technologies
KEY PARTNERSExperience Partnerships (PX) with leading brands offering software/platforms
About CRM DigitalDigital CRM Applications — Sales, Service, Marketing, and Commerce
CLOUD & IT INFRASTRUCTUREVirtuos invests in TEKCORP — Cloud Mastermind & IT Infrastructure Specialist.
VIRTUOS NEXORAMANexorama is our new model for innovating and diversifying into new areas.
ABOUT GIFTCART.COMWith huge strengths in technology, experience design, strong commitment and insight to make a leading name in e-gifting globally, the team has put together some of the industry's first and unique propositions such as Personality based gifting, Gift Wizard, Gift Registry, Wish list, Event Butler, Advanced Search and more. Visit
ABOUT INDIC.COMIndic is a company that has digital experience platforms to serve a broad range of audiences with consistent, secure and personalized access to products, services, and experiences across many digital touchpoints.
Indic has a portfolio of brands in stealth mode. For more information visit
ABOUT SWEVEN DIGITALSweven is a brand new company with 1000+ Man years of CRM and Customer Experience Proficiency. Sweven branched out to craft a new story of Sweveners — The dreamers and doers operating in the US$1 Trillion Salesforce Economy. Sweven is headquartered in San Francisco with operations and delivery centers in India and fast expanding into other regions. For more information visit
ABOUT TEKCORPTekcorp offers complete Cloud Transformation Journeys for the customers along with IT Infrastructure Services such as Networking, Storage, Security, and Trust Management across Industry verticals. Tekcorp also operates Technology Division in alliance with leading partners. For more information visit
Com pa nyCompany with a team that has the explicit mission to change the world — big change, big objectives, a brand-new system never done before.Explore More
ABOUT VIRTUOSThe birth of an idea that stretches the Virtuosos and the customer
OUR BUSINESSThe anatomy of modern business at Virtuos — Consulting to Digital Business
CUSTOMER SUCCESSCustomer success stories, case studies, insights, and resources
CAREERSExplore an enriching and rewarding career in sales, marketing, engineering, etc.
NEWS AND EVENTSSign up for the latest news, press releases, Xonomy events, and webinars
Virtuos Experience Cloud is an integrated ecosystem of hubs, platforms, and suites connected on a common thread to deliver personalized, superior and contextual experiences to customers, employees, and other constituents. Experience Cloud focuses on "experiences" instead of channels, departments, and functions by embracing DXP, Agile APIs, Artificial Intelligence, and Insights.
It’s Single Cloud
No confusion about your engagement channels or departments you want to talk to. With Experience Cloud, you are in sync with whole company.
It’s All Experience
It focuses on delivering experiences harnessing omnicloud to make it easy for people to understand people better — eliminating the "strain."
It’s Digital Business
It is the creation of new business designs by blurring the digital and physical worlds — creating new digital human ecosystems for doing good.
It’s futuristic
Gone are the days when you have to spend on marketing cloud or sales cloud which aren’t enough to capture the imagination of nextgen customers.
Artificial Intelligence
Virtuos Experience Cloud leverages Artificial Intelligence and Analytics to deliver highly personalized customer journeys.
Customer Experience
Virtuos Experience Cloud is for customers who want brands to understand, know and personalize signature experiences.
Employee Engagement
Virtuos Experience Cloud is for employees who are the custodians of "experiences", and they want to be empowered to serve customers.
Digital Marketing
Virtuos Experience Cloud is for marketing that wants to tailor signature experiences for customers, employees, and other constituents.
Beyond Consumerization. A New Cloud.
Experience Cloud is built for Multi-channel, Multi-device, Progressive Web Apps (PWA) ecosystem with agile, event-driven architecture, microservices, and RESTful APIs. Experience Cloud provides consistency without sacrificing functionality, and it’s designed for the future where a new ecosystem of platforms, hubs integrate as one "human ecosystem."
Maintain a 360-Degree View
Capture every interaction from every touchpoint. Maintain a customer master record and analytics to mine for trends and insights. Instill required and expected data privacy (The biggest priority for the 21st century customer) with higher standards of opt-in, opt-out.
Contextual Experiences
Target customers and Audience Segments with Contextual Experiences by building personalization foundation and data model to bridge process silos, and facilitate customer journeys. This will include all channels and connected departments.
Modern Cloud
Experience Cloud is contemporary and evolving cloud supporting modern web development such as MEAN technologies and JavaScript with the clear purpose to bridge silos at three key touchpoints: user experience, process, and data.
This is Experience Economy
Transcend from selling products or services to experiences — because there are no things as Experience Businesses. There are only businesses whose experience components are greater or less than those other businesses. Everybody is in experience making.
Is it a product or experience?
Coffee beans as commodity is 1 to 2 cents, as goods 5 to 25 cents a cup, but experiences are sold at 2 to 5 dollars.
Experiences must be integrated
Marketing, operations, HR, IT departments must be collaborated and integrated to serve the customer. CX is not collective.
Industry 4.0 Readiness
Experience Economy (Xonomy) is part of Industry 4.0 vision seamlessly collaborating with other ecosystems and optimizing resources.
Beyond Engagement
Experience Cloud goes one step further from Customer Engagement Hub (CEH) which will be implemented by 60% of large companies by 2020.
Despite considerable efforts in integrating the data, siloed applications still don't meet the needs of "constituents" — Be it Customers, Employees, and the Community of People.Experience Cloud is built by the people applying Human-Centered Design, Outside-in Thinking Framework, Agile, and Innovative Journey Maps.
Source: Forrester
Consumers' Experience Ecosystem Is Transforming At An Unprecedented Pace
Experience Cloud Ecosystems Leverages The Customer-Obsessed Operating Model
Experience Cloud™, trademark of Virtuos has been in use since January 2009. Initially, the Experience Cloud™ was a Professional Services and Consulting Business.Synonymous with the customers' rising expectations in the Experience Economy (Xonomy), Virtuos has been developing Experience Cloud Ready products and Services. Experience Cloud™ is now part of Virtuos Xonomy Business.
Experience Cloud is Virtuos DNA for creating products that accelerate Customer Experience (CX) complementing the industry leading applications in the space of CRM and Customer Experience across Industry verticals. Virtuos Xonomy is building a set of new products and services for the CX Space.
Employee Experience is the driver of Customer Experience. At Virtuos, we are creating Employee Experience (EX) products and services to help organizations thrive in the Experience Economy. A whole new set of new engagement tools will be developed for enhancing Employee Experience (EX).
Everything Experience (XX) is critical for organization success to effectively manage both CX and EX in unison. At Virtuos, we talk of hyper-automation tools powered by Low-Code No-Code technologies, RPA and AI/ML. Virtuos is building a new set of applications for the modern verticals.
Experience Cloud is a brand new vision at Virtuos Xonomy
We are building the next generation Experience Cloud products and services unifying Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience (EX), and Everything Experience (EX).