
AI Assistant

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  • Expedience

    The Internal Digital Transformation


Business is the greatest platform for change in society. The businesses must serve the society and communities with greater purpose and COVID-19 should become a biggest transformation driver.


Experience New

The cumulative outcomes you drive for the customers by double-stretching yourselves.

  • The Customers, Employees, and The Partners feel the "NEW" Virtuos.
  • The EX and CX in unison delivering XX — Everything Experience including UX and MX everyday.


Expedience Now

The Act of today in the moment for the situation we are in. Expedience means speed and agility at scale.

  • The Company becomes a mission to succeed in creating a “intrapreneurial you”.
  • The EX and CX in unison delivering XX — Everything Experience and Everyday Experience.

We are what we repeatedly do.

- Socrates


Human resilience

More than 50 million in-office workers (in India) everyday. Then, almost everybody went home.



  • The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
  • The ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape.
Human Resilience
Composition Is to Resilience as Fitness Is to Health.

Everything is Composabl™

Just as the human body is a complex organism, an organization is also a complex organism. We can "train" through fitness to build health. We can "train" through composition to build resilience.


Everyone is Trainable

Unfortunately, it needs "Pandemic" like disruption in ourselves.

A mindset is just stories you tell about yourself, to yourself.

- Brian Grasso

Brian Grasso

The Struggle
Inability to believe
Inability to establish discipline
Inability to build on a strong foundation

Support Your Philosophy Through Composition:

  • Belief
  • Discipline
  • Strong Foundation
Belief diagram

The COVID-19 has been a life reset for people, businesses, governments and the economy. "Workday" has now become WorkLifeDay.

WorkLifeDay Diagram

Everything is Composabl™

Just as the human body is a complex organism, an organization is also a complex organism. We can “train” through fitness to build health. We can “train” through composition to build resilience.
Fusion Teams Diagram

Two Principles

1 Specificity

  • Tailored to fit your goal
  • Focus on one moment at a time

2 Rest and Recovery

  • We must let the body recover
  • Rest and recover does not mean doing nothing
  • Take stock while at rest
  • Plan changes for the next round

Composabl™ Technologies

Composabl™ is an art and science of Virtuos practice that must be practiced.
Composabl Technologies Diagram

USE IT, OR Lose it

You become what you think and act. At Virtuos, Composabl™ practice is founded on Composable Thinking, Composable Architecture and Composable Technologies.
Muscle Diagram

Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit

- Socrates

Three Practical Things

  • Evangelize composability
  • Promote good habits
  • Target the right technologies

The New ABC

  • Be Agile
  • Be Business 4.0 Resilient
  • Be Composable