Virtuos Corporation is proud to unveil today its new logo and tagline — customer @ heart. The redesigned logo reflects fresh innovative business ideas, incredible transformation services and powerful engagement platforms.

The brand-new logo comes at an opportune time as it is an incredibly exciting year for Virtuos, with the company entering the next phase of growth and massive transformation. This year, Virtuos is trending into two distinct and diverse operations — one into “Digital Business” through .iO (Innovation Open) and the other into “Consulting Services” through Consultare, their Professional Services Division.

  • Virtuos will no longer be a just CRM/CX Consulting Company — it’s going to be a “Digital Business”.
  • Virtuos Consultare will embrace ABCD of Transformation — Apps; Big Data & Analytics; Cloud and Digital.
  • Virtuos Digital Business will venture into the newest Internet of Things with a different set of operations — .iO Labs.

Reflecting Virtuos’ founding principles — Virtuosity, Veracity and Velocity; the new tagline and logo demonstrate clearly and boldly who Virtuos is, creating connections to the real world, by sensing the context of its customers.

“I felt our brand of yesterday was starting to hold back our ability to go mainstream, and limiting our ideas of what we could become," Venky Vijay Reddi, CEO of Virtuos says. "This new branding changes the whole identity and representation of the company, with us now creating our products additionally to deliver high-performance consulting services."

The Story Behind the Design:

Designed in-house by Yippee Media — a division of Virtuos, the new visual identity has three components — the word mark, pictogram and tagline.

The word mark (Letters) remains unchanged — they have been carved using its favorite font and the word mark symbolizes perfection and coherence in authentic blue which stands for something — a big idea, a strategic position, a defined set of values, a voice that stands apart.

The heart-shaped V pictogram (symbol) is a vibrant new take on the old logo. The color hue is inspired by the community it comprises: highly creative people from all kinds of backgrounds come together, inspire each other and collaboratively work from their heart to develop a vision of the future. The new logo, evocative of a human heart, carries a special meaning of delivering true customer value by delivering professional services using a co-extend methodology.

Virtuos New Logo

The joined quadrants that were previously separated to represent the unity of ideologies and goals. The vibrant color palette chosen evokes a sense of vivacity and vigor.

The tag line — customer @ heart underscores Virtuos commitment to serving both consumers and customers globally. It identifies the core motto of the company and highlights Virtuos’ endeavor of putting the customer at the heart of its business through an array of innovative Apps, Strategies & Ideas, the Internet of Things and transformational consulting services.

In the upcoming months Virtuos will replace the old logo with the new logo on all of its online and offline presence, collaterals, presentations, etc. This logo might also feature on Virtuos' products and the merchandise it offers.

About Virtuos

Founded in January of 2008 and based in San Jose US with regional presence in India, Virtuos is redefining the way brands can be transformed across web, social and commerce. With a leading edge customer experience consulting practice, and dozens of iconic brands in their client list; Virtuos is embarking on major expansion into digital business by launching the world’s first ExperienceCloud and an apps platform marketplace “” as well as the “Internet of Things”. As part of its global expansion, the company is hiring four senior strategic leaders to head the .iO Labs and architect new digital products; lead ExperienceCloud Business; design Solution Consulting Services and deliver high-performance Consultare Services.