Con sul tareConsultare means "Experts to consult" on Customer Digital Strategy, Operational efficiency, and Digital Workplace Transformation.Explore More
CRM DIGITALCRM Mastermind Design, Digital strategy, Implementation, and Professional Services
CUSTOMER EXPERIENCEWorld's first "CX and Digital" Fusion of technologies and transformation services
EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCEHR Technologies, Digital WorkPlace Programs, Talent Management, and EX Strategy
EVERYTHING EXPERIENCEThe Hyper Automation, DevOps, and Low-Code No-Code Technologies
KEY PARTNERSExperience Partnerships (PX) with leading brands offering software/platforms
About CRM DigitalDigital CRM Applications — Sales, Service, Marketing, and Commerce
CLOUD & IT INFRASTRUCTUREVirtuos invests in TEKCORP — Cloud Mastermind & IT Infrastructure Specialist.
VIRTUOS NEXORAMANexorama is our new model for innovating and diversifying into new areas.
ABOUT GIFTCART.COMWith huge strengths in technology, experience design, strong commitment and insight to make a leading name in e-gifting globally, the team has put together some of the industry's first and unique propositions such as Personality based gifting, Gift Wizard, Gift Registry, Wish list, Event Butler, Advanced Search and more. Visit
ABOUT INDIC.COMIndic is a company that has digital experience platforms to serve a broad range of audiences with consistent, secure and personalized access to products, services, and experiences across many digital touchpoints.
Indic has a portfolio of brands in stealth mode. For more information visit
ABOUT SWEVEN DIGITALSweven is a brand new company with 1000+ Man years of CRM and Customer Experience Proficiency. Sweven branched out to craft a new story of Sweveners — The dreamers and doers operating in the US$1 Trillion Salesforce Economy. Sweven is headquartered in San Francisco with operations and delivery centers in India and fast expanding into other regions. For more information visit
ABOUT TEKCORPTekcorp offers complete Cloud Transformation Journeys for the customers along with IT Infrastructure Services such as Networking, Storage, Security, and Trust Management across Industry verticals. Tekcorp also operates Technology Division in alliance with leading partners. For more information visit
Com pa nyCompany with a team that has the explicit mission to change the world — big change, big objectives, a brand-new system never done before.Explore More
ABOUT VIRTUOSThe birth of an idea that stretches the Virtuosos and the customer
OUR BUSINESSThe anatomy of modern business at Virtuos — Consulting to Digital Business
CUSTOMER SUCCESSCustomer success stories, case studies, insights, and resources
CAREERSExplore an enriching and rewarding career in sales, marketing, engineering, etc.
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Application leaders are struggling to manage an increasingly complex landscape of CRM/CX applications, components, services, data, upgrades, releases, and APIs across a wide range of platforms and ecosystems, including:
CRM Software nearing the end of their support life — for example, older version that’s running for over two years.
CRM business applications reaching the limits of their business value, or in need of an expensive upgrade that seems unlikely to make a return on the required investment
Business needs constant tweaking of application stack; workflows; functionality; or user privileges; and other performance analysis.
Legacy core applications supported by aging teams of developers with hard-to-find skills.
Line-of-business applications (including SaaS) bought or built by "shadow IT," but turned over to the application group for ongoing support and maintenance.
Technology teams need to fix gaps in the existing system to support new requirements of the business.
30+CXDesk Customers
7+Industry Best Practices
500kHours Delivered
CXDesk is a diverse, multi-functional approach to optimize CRM investments through technology upgrades, continuous improvement, and integration delivering operational excellence and reduced TCO.
What is CX Desk?
It’s a blended, multi-talent, and hybrid CX technology management service optimized for delivering superior, continuous performance expected from CRM and Customer Experience Infrastructure. CXDesk is available with two delivery options.
CXDesk Annual
CXDesk Annual plan delivers uninterrupted, continuous hybrid CX Technology Management Services that support business and operations in a defined and scoped program. Clients can choose from multiple methods CXDesk Configurator.
CXDesk Subscription
CXDesk Subscription covers pre-purchased hours of various suitable plans receiving timely services to support business and technology operations. Clients can always switch to Annual program once they see value in the optimization services.
CXDESK for Total Peace of Mind by preventingCRM Implementation failures and lower user adoption.
Sprints and SCRUM
Tweak your existing CRM setup on a continuous basis with small sprints and agile project implementations. CXDesk is the most cost-effective model for delivering continuous improvement in CRM technologies while meeting your dynamic business needs. A new process, a new integration or customization needs blended technical expertise without going overboard with your budgets.
Service Level Agreements (SLA)
Well established governance model with a written SLAs after gathering data on the current level of support for each of the defined services.
Availability and response times: We guarantee 99% to 99.99% uptime on our availability and Turn Around Times (TAT).
Corrective Maintenance and Severity (S) Levels: Less than four hours for S1, 24 hours for S2 and two business days for S3.
Package or Technical Upgrades
We plan set of activities in order to keep a given package within its service requirements (the current release number minus 2, for example), or pool blended resources needed to support underlying technical upgrades. These resources will work on priority against projects submitted by "the business” to avoid delays in upgrades. This will also improve the user adoption reducing operational bottlenecks.
Small Enhancements
CXDesk carries out minor enhancement work such as "change requests" (CRs) or "service requests" (SRs) and is generally capped by how long they take, or a predetermined cost limit. These limits vary widely by organization. Smaller organizations may look at these activities as anything under 100 hours (or equivalent cost). For a large organization, it may be 200 hours. Anything over 200 hours is a "project" and shall be treated as such.
Business Support
This is a significant component of the overall maintenance and support cost (for a breakdown of costs, please contact your account rep). Business support is the help provided for users and business units and helps with application operation work (such as responding to user calls or emails) on use of application functions, and consulting to users and business units.
Totality of Services
These are provided by blended pool of talent at CXDesk. Some of the services may (directly) be provided by OEM or Other Third Party Provider. CXDesk primarily offers:
Software maintenance: Maintaining the package.
Application management: Technical and business function support services.
Application operations: Patches and work done to the underlying technology.
User adoption/Training: Users are trained to increase CRM adoption levels.
Virtuos CXDesk is a contemporary and unique model for the real-time upkeep and optimization of your CRM and CX technologies. Our Support skills are multi-threaded with significant backup and contingency. CXDesk offers clear differentiation and excellent value proposition to our customers with non-stop 24/7 CRM support.
Technology Enablement
Virtuos has invested in proprietary inventions, methodologies, and assets supporting CXDesk. These include standardization and reuse, automation of IT work, use of analytics and AI, and Pace Layered Umbrella Strategy (PLUS).
Industry and Process Expertise
Virtuos combines knowledge and expertise from its industry verticals, functional domain, and technology to provide its clients more than just support. These include industry-specific templates, reference systems, digital assets, and accelerators.
Change Management
Virtuos has tailored solutions to help organizations manage change associated with the CRM/CX technologies to support new or improved business processes. We are Virtuoso teams with digital dexterity, experience edge, skills and knowledge (DESK).
Operational Excellence
Virtuos has ten-year-old CRM and CX Practice serving over 100 top-notch brands across seven countries. We are known for our responsiveness, quality, and reliability, SLA compliance, highest levels of trust and customer satisfaction.
Some of CXDESK Customers
Engage with us to create Differentiation
Our Customer Experience Continuum offers synergistic value to transform your offerings and leapfrog the competition in a whole new way.Contact us