Con sul tareConsultare means "Experts to consult" on Customer Digital Strategy, Operational efficiency, and Digital Workplace Transformation.Explore More
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ABOUT GIFTCART.COMWith huge strengths in technology, experience design, strong commitment and insight to make a leading name in e-gifting globally, the team has put together some of the industry's first and unique propositions such as Personality based gifting, Gift Wizard, Gift Registry, Wish list, Event Butler, Advanced Search and more. Visit
ABOUT INDIC.COMIndic is a company that has digital experience platforms to serve a broad range of audiences with consistent, secure and personalized access to products, services, and experiences across many digital touchpoints.
Indic has a portfolio of brands in stealth mode. For more information visit
ABOUT SWEVEN DIGITALSweven is a brand new company with 1000+ Man years of CRM and Customer Experience Proficiency. Sweven branched out to craft a new story of Sweveners — The dreamers and doers operating in the US$1 Trillion Salesforce Economy. Sweven is headquartered in San Francisco with operations and delivery centers in India and fast expanding into other regions. For more information visit
ABOUT TEKCORPTekcorp offers complete Cloud Transformation Journeys for the customers along with IT Infrastructure Services such as Networking, Storage, Security, and Trust Management across Industry verticals. Tekcorp also operates Technology Division in alliance with leading partners. For more information visit
Com pa nyCompany with a team that has the explicit mission to change the world — big change, big objectives, a brand-new system never done before.Explore More
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Knowing the state of CX and brand’s CX Mission is a prerequisite of any engagement model. CXOpia is part of CX Primer, the key aspect of our transformational CX Program - CXNow.CXOpia framework, a proven and useful tool to engage with the executives at the brands where the CX is likely to be a key differentiator. We encourage executives and stakeholders to foster action and accountability to the building blocks of CRM — vision, strategy, metrics, customer experience, organizational collaboration (including employee experience), processes, information and insight, and technology.
Every good brand will have a vision, mission statement and their business model. Learn how the brand’s Customer Service and Support (CSS) is structured.As a first step Virtuos consultants take CX perspective by conducting preliminary research using Insighteer Framework. The exercise involves the study of Customer Service and Support (CSS) structure and the capabilities of an organization to fully deliver Customer Satisfaction by activating Multi or Omni channels.
Outside-In View
The research encompasses reviewing brand’s digital assets — website, social media connections, customer relations, products, and services. We apply Virtuos Innovative Insighteer framework to find the brand's CSS Structure, pulse of customers, financials, competencies, people, processes, and technologies along with benchmarking with industry leaders on a multitude of metrics.
Inside-Out View
We talk to the brand’s constituents — the employees, partners and customers about their CSS structure and make a judgement on the state of CSS. We connect with the key leaders of the brand to know their business model and future plans for driving Customer Experience (CX). Sometimes we impersonate as a customer to participate in the entire lifecycle of CSS touching all the channels of engagement.
Customer Experience (CX) is not an overnight achievement. Find the company’s efforts to drive CX as one of their differentiating factors.
Most organizations are looking at metrics that fit into five categories:
Customer satisfaction
Customer loyalty/retention/churn
Employee engagement
An organization must create a CSS strategy in order to achieve its operational and customer-related goals and to realize its CSS vision. The CSS strategy is effectively the “how” that supports the CSS vision’s “what” and “why.”
To be more customer- centric and provide better CX, brands must take a strategic approach to customer service.The right building blocks (in the diagram) framework helps organizations to pursue Customer Service and Support (CSS) best practices. Successful CSS initiatives deliver, over time, consistent, effortless, intelligent, and personalized customer service experience, and while applying this framework we consider all building blocks at all times.
The eight building blocks of Customer Service & Support (CSS) summarizes the best practices related to CX.
1 Vision
2 Strategy
3 Metrics
4 Customer Experience
An organization’s vision is a starting point, and any senior executive should be able to present the brand’s image in a few minutes. At Virtuos, we will also showcase a few centric vision statements, supporting values, and philosophy from around the world and how these brands have made their vision actionable for all CSS contributors such as employees, contractors, and partners.
What’s the organization’s CSS strategy to achieve its operational and customer-related goals and to realize its CSS vision. Using a value matrix, articulate the intended experience for each customer, the aspiration being to move each customer segment. The value matrix tracks the value of the "business to customers" and the value of "customers to the business," and how CSS structure is tailored to service.
We can find the critical metrics created to serve as broader key performance indicators (KPI) for the customer experience. Though these CX metrics are unique to each organization, yet we explore examples across different industries for similarities of business model and context. We seek primary data on operational, process-related, strategic, and corporate metrics as a starting point.
Customer Experience
CX looks different to different people, and this is because it relates to the perception and feelings of a wide range of customers. We present a CSS view of Customer Experience (CX) with key concepts such as the connection between customer and organization, CX management, employee relationship, CSS structure/policies, and other departments/ecosystems across the customer segments.
"An impactful vision for the customer service is a powerful way to communicate what the customer success should look like for your brand."
At a simple level, technology is just an enabler of Customer Service strategy.The diverse customer service technology landscape is transforming the way brands serve their customers across multiple touchpoints. On a broader level, the stack of these technologies tends to grow with the CX maturity of an organization. It’s pertinent to see which technologies (see the table below) are empowering the customers and the agents.
Engage with Virtuos Consultants to book a FREE CX Primer workshop to provide smarter insights.