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CX and EX in unison

EX and CX in Unison

Virtuos Digital focusing on a new mission — Putting EX and CX in unison


EX and CX are not parallel but integrated together to deliver superior brand trust and brand experience. It’s important to recognize key digital worker personas protecting the diversity, harmony and symphony in the Digital Workplace.
Key Issues

Key Issues:

  • Refresher on Customer Experience
  • How Does Employee Experience Impact Customer Experience
  • Steps to Improve Employee Experience
  • Technologies for Enhanced Employee Experiences
Engineers Icon


  • Technology elite, confident in digital skills
  • Use "latest and greatest"
  • In tune with the organization's digital strategy
  • Prefer work-provided technologies
Maverick Icon


  • Look forflexibility in working with technology
  • Keen users of technology
  • Most likely to use apps their organizations did not approve
Pilots Icon


  • Works with new apps
  • Stretch digital skills
  • Use both company provided and personal apps
Caretaker Icon


  • Least usage and confident with technology
  • Less likely to use technology not provided by their organization
  • Access toless up-to-date work technology
  • Less productive
Navigators Icon


  • Technology proficient
  • Mostly use "traditional" technology
  • Digital skills are highly valued
  • Less productive outside the office

Without Great Employee Experience, You Can Forget Great Customer Experience

Meaning of CX and EX and The interdependence has changed after COVID-19

The Causal Theory So far…..

Enhance Operational Performance

Improve Customer Experience

Increase Employee Engagement

Enhancing Employee Engagement Will Improve Operational Performance

Watermark Consulting
Stock performance comparison, 1997 to 2014

Does Employee Engagement Matter for CX?

Impact of employee engagement on customer experience
(versus other factors)

Employee Engagement Diagram

Enhancing Employee Engagement Will Improve the Customer Experience

Customer Satisfaction Metrics Diagram

Invest in Employee Experience

Amount by which companies that invest in employees Outperform those that don’t

Look Beyond Engagement to Employee Experience (EX)


Employee Engagement as the extent to which: (1) a worker is willing to apply discretionary effortclearly in order to achieve organizational goals definitely and (2) feels the organization enables employees to do their bestwork all the time.


Employee Experience as the employee’s perceptions and related feelings caused by the one-off and cumulative effect of interactions with their employer’s customers, partners, leaders, teams, processes, policies, tools andoverall work environment. It’s a win-win for employees, and stakeholders .

Engagement Hinges on Five Key Factors


Job Understanding


Relationship with direct supervisor and manager


Perception of senior Leadership


Opportunities for career growth and develpment


Work conditions

  • 3 levels of EX
  • Relationship:

    Employee replationship with a company over time

  • Milestone journey:

    Journeys at job-specific or personal milestones

  • Daily work touchpoint:

    Frequent interactions with colleagues, processes, and technology

  • x
  • 3 types of metrics
  • Perceptions:

    Do employees feel empowered, inspired, and enabled?

  • Interactions:

    Characteristics of experiences (e.g. time in meetings)

  • Outcomes:

    What employees do as a result (e.g. quit)

Where to Invest in Employee Experience

“We want to create an experience that reminds employees of their consumer experiences. We want it to be described as easy, personalized, seamless, consistent, empowering — and in other similar ways.”
CHRO, Professional Services
Employee Journey Diagram

What Is Employee Journey Mapping

  • Similar concept to customer journey mapping
  • Step-by-step documentation of how employees actually engage
  • Multiple scales — from high-end employee life cycle to “day in the life of an employee” and task execution
  • Tied to roles and personas
  • Reality rather than aspirations
  • An employee journey is an employee-facing process from the employee’s+ customer’s perspective

The Changing Relationship Between
Employees and Technology
in the Workplace

Technology-literate humans

Reactive experiences Driven by technological constraints

Human-literate technologies

Proactive experiences from learned preferences, movement andemotion Personalized and socially aware

The Changing Relationship Between
Employees and Customers
in the Business Environment

Experience-literate humans

Proactive experiences
Driven by OQ (IQ + EQ = XQ >>>OQ)

Outcome-Focused Customers

Active expectations from improved, differentiated deliverables
Personalized and customer driven


Post COVID environment caused significant shifts in EX and CX unification. Radical Work Nucleus Creates Opportunities for IT and HR to Focus on Micro-Culture Advancements.
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