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Career with Virtuos

Explore an enriching and rewarding career with Virtuos - the company with the explicit mission to change the world — big change, big objectives, a brand-new system never done before.

Virtuos team leaders double-stretch customer and the team to achieve ambitious goals; actively span boundaries and act as powerful conduits of ideas. Every Virtuoso team member is principled and cultivated with evolution — Parivartanam.

Career opportunity at Virtuos
Career Opportunity
  • Virtuoso team leaders recruit the very best people.

    Our vision for big change starts with our hunt for best talent. With laser-like focus, we zero in on recruiting extraordinary talent and resist "dumbing down the team" or moving the talent bandwidth towards "average" by over-considering any other criteria than ones that will get them to achieve the team’s big vision for change.

    See Career Opportunities
  • Virtuoso team leaders draft from a marketplace for talent.

    We thrive and succeed because we draft the very best people we can get. We refer to such conditions as being a "marketplace for talent," where fluidity and movement of talent must be allowed.

    Explore Options here


  • Attitude

    Positive way of thinking, feeling, and having a growth mindset.

  • Behaviour

    The code of conduct with self and others and high empathy.

  • Competency

    Physical, mental, and psychological ability to perform and succeed.

We are Virtuoso

We are not just a company

We are Virtuoso

  • Virtuoso teams span boundaries, becoming conduits for great ideas

    Our leaders define themselves by the area of their professional expertise with continuous, lifelong learning. They also expand the boundary of their knowledge by spanning the inside and outside of the team for new ideas.

    Join our Experience Force
  • DNA is not a destiny: Let’s cultivate growth mindsets?

    A small amount of training changes the brain resulting in a behavioral and experiential growth mindset. We nurture teams to do more, the best, and perfect job - because we want our customers to deliver high performance.

    Freshers join here
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Genie Thinking

Why Choose Virtuos?

We create ExperienceJobs and deliver top-notch Customer Experience (CX) Consulting services to leading brands worldwide. Our Xonomy foray into products on AI foundation brings entrepreneurial thinking. Finally, we are a company destined to be no.1 in whatever we are doing today and tomorrow.