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Obsessed with new ideas and always on the prowl for creating the next "edge.”

Experience Edge


Connect innovation to strategy creating value chain architecture for customers.
Strategy is Innovation

Strategy is Innovation

A Strategy is about linear and non-linear innovations consistent with the organization’s business models. At virtuos, we accelerate innovation in strategically relevant areas (e.g., mobility, IOT, CX) to drive revenue and competitive advantage.

Innovation is Execution

Innovation is Execution

Virtuos executes strategies collaboratively with customers by creating a space for "Succeedant" workshops, "Virtuosoship" eDexterity programs, and other creative activities. We also offer an immersive technology environment for customers to experience innovations.

Digital Darwinists


Transforming new business models with integrated CX.Digital Strategy.
CX Marries Digital

CX Marries Digital

Virtuos is first to discover that CX and Digital cannot function in silos. Organizations must relook at the strategy to designate Chief CX.Digital Officer (CDO) to own combined and non-separable portfolio of Customer Experience + Digital Transformation.

Digital Embraces AI

Digital Embraces AI

AI will proliferate natural, contextual human-computing interfaces powering smart IOT and fluid integration with CX.Digital applications. Using AI as an abstraction to grow integration scale, digital will harness the power of connected ecosystems.

We are Idea Hunters

Obsessed with new ideas and always on the prowl for creating the next "edge".
Ideas Matter

Ideas Matter

Virtuoso team leaders stimulate idea flow: focussing time, attention and resources. We are obsessed with blockbuster ideas and always on the prowl listening to next "edge". We also iterate with creative ideas, prototypes, pilots, and experimentation.

Innovation On

Innovation On

Our systems and structures support end-to-end innovation process (including incubations or ideas), relationships and intellectual property and metrics for success to deliver on goals of creative exploration and business value.

Virtuoso Teams


We assembled the best people field-by-field by holding a vivid and compelling vision of big change for our customers.
Being Virtuoso

Being Virtuoso

The all-stars team fundamentally different from a normal team in order to unleash the absolute maximum business impact.



A Vivid and compelling vision for big change that acts as a magnet leveraging ambitions of employees, customers, and constituents.

Game Changers

Game Changers

Rethinking a world of infinite possibilities by igniting teams to drive innovation giving the birth of deep-dive as a process for teamwork.

Kindred Spirits

Kindred Spirits

In times of crisis and good times, we are there with excellent understanding and empathy for your situation to help you through the challenge.

Artificial Gen-Next Intelligence Experience


Experience Edge Portfolio

Our Edge comes from digital dexterity core of Artificial intelligence (AI), immersive & conversational experience platforms, digital twins — all under Virtuosoship digital dexterity foundation creating next-generation digital business models and ecosystems.

AIccent™ Edge

AI has created significant efficiencies and created new products and services, but it’s perceived to be challenging to implement or primarily meet the needs of Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, as well as some startups. Our AIccent changes that thinking by harnessing the best of AI blended and packaged to meet most needs.

Digital Etiquette

Digital Etiquette

Ours is a culture of innovation, digital dexterity, and engagement with regular idea jams, hackathons, and brainstorming sessions. Our digital workplace is boosting employee agility through a more consumerized work environment. We continuously explore the digital competencies needed for competitive advantage.

Pace layered Umbrella Strategy (PLUS)

Bi-Modal and PLUS

Our state of the art Pace layered Umbrella Strategy (PLUS) leverages bi-modal and agile techniques with foundational Enabling technologies (greater efficiency, common ideas); Systems of Engagement (unique customer processes, better customer ideas) and Systems of Insight (competitive threats, new customer ideas).

Virtuos Alliances

Top-notch Alliances

Virtuos has forged alliances with leading names in the industry: Oracle for its CX Suite of Applications, Verint for Customer Engagement Ecosystems, Agiloft for Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM), and Microsoft for its CRM portfolio of applications. We also work with several partners to complement our CX.Digital consulting practice.

Customer at Heart DNA

Customer@Heart DNA

At Virtuos we always believe that the customer wants more, not less. Our teams think about the customer in an ennobling fashion and hold them in the highest esteem. Our unique "ExperienceJob"™ architecture is designed to deliver superior customer experience with an orchestrated symphony of mens, manus, et cor.

Happiests Culture

Happiests Culture

At Virtuos, we develop vibrant, productive, and innovative teams who can choose careers from their core strengths and flair for work with options to move into other functions and other roles as their career progresses. A collaborative and meritocracy-based caring culture is creating happy moments for our customers.

Start a conversation

What’s your thinking? Let’s explore new possibilities.