Strategy is Execution
CX is Brand


CX Strategy: Roadmap to Success

Today, 89% of brands primarily compete on the basis of customer experience — while it was just 36% in 2010. Some 80% of brands think they deliver “super experiences,” but sadly only 8% of customers agree on this. To simply put it, Companies are still at the early stages of CX Maturity.The brand power is in the hands of customers as they are always less satisfied, more complaining, less loyal, want personalization yet the privacy of highest levels. With the recent Facebook defect, and EU’s GDPR, it’s evident customers want signature experience, without sharing their data.At Virtuos, we create and use Moments of Truth to enhance your CX with Industry’s first and most integrated building blocks.
Moment of Truth: A time when a person or thing is tested, a decision has to be made, or a crisis has to be faced.
CX Aware

CX Aware

Our strategy consultants connect with leadership to understand CX challenges and pain points.

Understand the state

Understand the state

Our Analysts present the state of current CX levels and benchmarking against industry leaders.

CX Team & Governance

CX Team & Governance

We understand the team structure, governance, and current CX ecosystem before conducting CX Audit.

Consolidate Voice of Customer

Direct, Indirect and Inferred — Customer Voice sources
Voice of Customer
  • Direct VoC Icon

    Direct VoC

    Direct Voice of Customer includes survey/poll, a complaint from the customer, market research, forum/panel. This involves almost all direct channels.

  • Indirect VoC Icon

    Indirect VoC

    A tweet, chat or email, sentiments through call recording, or agent notes. This may include social mentions from other sites.

  • Inferred VoC Icon

    Inferred VoC

    Most implicit feedbacks observed from web behavior, contact center, store, etc. This also includes purchase history, even mouse movements.

Projects and Capabilities

Virtuos typically undertakes CX Transformation projects after extensive CX Audit of Customer Experience environment at the client side. These projects include reconfiguring customer processes, creating a single view of the customer or developing CXM strategy. From our experience and Gartner’s research, seven types of CX Projects are prevalent. See some of the exciting technology stack that Virtuos offers from from Rainbow Portfolio for Customer Experience and Multi-Experience (MX) and Crayonz Employee Experience (EX).
  • 1-4

  • 5-7


1Listen, Think, Do

  • Collect Feedback
  • Multichannel collection
  • Real-time alerts and actions
  • -
  • Analyze Opinion
  • Value analysis
  • Market research
  • Segmentation Propensity modeling
  • Start a Conversation
  • Expectations setting
  • Capturing intent
  • Manage dialogue

2From Out to In

  • Find Moments of Truth
  • Process modeling
  • Identify the weakest link
  • Automate and escalate
  • Redesign Processes
  • Quality controls
  • Trading efficiency and experience
  • Segmentation Propensity modeling
  • Adapt in Real Time
  • Real-time rerouting
  • Analytical-driven process decisions
  • -

3Act as One

  • Achieve Consistent Experiences
  • Single view of customer
  • Recognition
  • -
  • Share Answers
  • Knowledge management
  • Skills inventory
  • Better search
  • Multichannel Availability
  • Multichannel integration
  • Device-independent interaction
  • -

4Open Up

  • More Accessible
  • Self-service
  • Track for customer
  • Add channels
  • Demonstrate Trust
  • Honor privacy
  • Share data
  • Use only what you need
  • Encourage Participation
  • Review and comparison
  • Communities
  • Social networks

5Get Personal

  • Personalize Products
  • Configure to order
  • Mass customization
  • New product development
  • Customize Offers
  • Bundling product/service
  • Personal pricing
  • -
  • Stripped-Down Simplification
  • One size fits all
  • Standardization and scale
  • -

6Alter Attitudes

  • Empower Employees
  • Education and training
  • Cultural values
  • Ownership of the experience
  • Recruit Differently
  • Profiling the personalities
  • Balance teams
  • Recruit to brand
  • Make Clear the Responsibility
  • Governance and policing
  • Responsibility
  • Compensation and contracts

7Design Better

  • Have a Strategy
  • Executive enlightening
  • Ideal and real experiences
  • Program and project plans
  • Brand Execution
  • Values and promise
  • Reputation
  • Communication
  • Design the Experience
  • Benchmark usability and empathy
  • Digital design cool
  • -

Source: Gartner

CX Audit Program

CX Audit Program

We have five important categories of metrics for measuring Customer Experience (CX).
Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement

A better EX leads lower cost

Quality Reduces Defects and Costs


Quality reduces defects and costs

Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction

First Call Resolution betters C-SAT



Upsell and cross sell opportunities



Higher margins and repeat business


C-Level leaders can engage with our CX specialists to audit and design CX Architecture; measure CX Maturity by benchmarking against competition, and continuously improve our CXDesk™ customer experience continuum services.

Customer Journey Maps

Connect business moments, and personas to boost customer experience outcomes across departments.


Fix The Urgent Issues

Identify high impact cracks in CX journey and aim for quick wins by fixing urgent and most critical issues.


Set The Expectations Right

There’s no silver bullet to improve CX overnight. Set the realistic goals to create CX foundation first.


Hunt for new ideas

CX is like a fresh running water. Relentlessly you need new ideas to create better experiences.

How to apply Digital Humanism
To CX Design?

Next Steps in CX Leader’s Roadmap

CX leaders need to justify the business value of their Customer Experience (CX) investments and create a differentiation strategy seeking new, more durable forms of competitive advantage.
Customer Voice

Customer Voice

Collect feedback from clients (B2B) or customers (B2C) on sales, support execution, and C-SAT.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking

Conduct customer and competitive analysis and find the experiential quotient (XQ) of your offerings.

CX.Digital Maturity

CX.Digital Maturity

Diagnose and benchmark CX and Digital maturity levels and create a strategic plan for improvement.

Improve Customer Experience

Continuous Improvement

Have a strategy, check against your promise. Create a program to improve Customer Experience continuously.