Announcing 4.0 As A Strategy on 12th Anniversary

Virtuos Digital announces “4.0 As A Strategy” to spearhead the growth of the company into new domains, geographies, and technologies. The 4.0 Strategy underpins the composition of an organization's fundamental pillars - Company, People, Customers, and the Planet.

  • The "company first" strategy is for driving innovation, culture, growth, and governance.
  • Employees are cherishing great careers with continuous learning, growth, and job satisfaction.
  • Customers are receiving the best value from our products and services.
  • Planet sustainable practices, business processes, and ecosystems are making a difference.

On our 12th Anniversary, we also celebrated by thanking people, technologies, and things that were hugely responsible for the growth of Virtuos over the last 12 years. A Profit-making and completely debt-free company with a flawless track record has produced 100’s of promising people by giving them a great career. Dependable businesses are measured on how much impact they made to their customers and employees.

The company took a new “One Vow” mission 2020 to transform the company by creating digitally dextrous employees, delivering high-performance services and products to customers, and caring for the society and planet in meaningful ways.

We have created the Customer-Obsessed Operating Model To Drive the growth of the company in this decade of 2020.

Customer Wide Strategy: Customer Led business transformation applying the confluence of Business 4.0 - Industry 4.0; Global 4.0; Digital 4.0 and Society 5.0

Insights Driven Strategy: Insighteer, a new strategy driver, will be critical to the success of every employee by garnering insights from the industry, customers, and other ecosystems.

Fast and Agile: Low-code No-Code by Vivacis and Business Composition by Silsila and new ways of working by using new talent via Agnitor. All new W.Digital Mastermind series to create a new breed of workforce with the highest productivity standards.

Connected: Using modern technologies and approaches - both cloud and crowd, we are always connected.

About Virtuos

Virtuos Digital Ltd. (Formerly Virtuos Solutions Private Ltd.) is a leading Customer Experience (CX) & Digital Transformation Consulting company with its corporate headquarters in India, and the USA serving global customers. Virtuos has two important business operations namely Consultare and Xonomy.

Virtuos Consultare

Virtuos Consultare delivers industry-specific counsel and the integrated, end-to-end solutions that support its customers' strategic, operational, and financial goals. Virtuos is an Experience consultancy that provides superior customer moments and implements leading CRM and Customer Experience Applications — Oracle CX; Salesforce CRM and Microsoft Dynamics amongst other niche players. Other consulting services include Our Industry 4.0 ready Business 4.0 operations — CXDesk; O.Digital and Talentare; Digital transformation and high-performance Customer Experience (CX) Transformation Services. Consultare flagship CXNow Program delivers CX Audit; Customer Journey Mapping, and Voice of Customer Analytics for large customers worldwide.

Virtuos Xonomy

Virtuos Xonomy ideates and incubates next-generation businesses harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud, ECommerce, and Digital technologies. The Innovation On (formerly Innovation Open) lab under the aegis of Virtuos Xonomy is a think tank to breed and bootstrap new ventures that include Budh;; and (Part of BIGV 4.0 As A Strategy) and a host of unique Experience Cloud and Experience Crowd applications. Virtuos Experience Cloud business comprises a CEDAR strategy — Cloudle; Enforce;; Aury; and Rigour. Virtuos Experience Crowd business will launch its first product CustomerNow crowd in 2020.