Coronavirus Impact on Business, VUCA Continuity Framework

The Coronavirus has wrecked the buoyancy of the economy in a jolt bringing people into a situation like war affecting businesses across all spheres. In many countries like Italy, Spain, UK, US, the people are forced to lock-up and adjust to new standards of living and cope with the situation. The scariest and fatal pandemic has brought catastrophic changes to how we live, operate, and conduct our work-life in the future.

In India, we are in the second stage of this vulnerability, with hundreds infected with Coronavirus and thousands flooding the cities to flee to villages for their livelihood. Unless we act decisively to lock down all the cities and towns by isolating and possibly quarantining the affected people, we could potentially see a danger of at least 100 million older adults dying without having the healthcare facilities in a matter of months.

India has one of the imperfect healthcare infrastructures in the world to handle pandemic situations like Coronavirus, and the sheer size of our population will wreck the system to a grinding halt and commotion.

The pandemic will collapse the economy and turn India to pre 1947 chaos with people everywhere grappling for food, water, and basic necessities for survival. Most advanced countries in Europe have been braving the brunt of early mistakes and letting the people move quickly without the fear of Coronavirus.

'Overreacting is better than non-reacting' - academics around the world share thoughts on coronavirus. Read here

“Stay locked in the house, if you want to save the elderly people in the country. This is the gift we can give to our people (Baby boomers and X-Generation) who built the nation and worked hard for decades for our well being” says Venky Vijay Reddi, ExperienCEO of Virtuos Digital. “If we don’t act right now at this very hour, the very tomorrow could be fatal for the entire nation, and we can never forgive ourselves.”

Virtuos has asked all of the employees to work from home with immediate effect until the situation is improved. We have offered paid leaves to those employees who do not use computers for office use. We have advised every employee to handle this pandemic situation to their advantage by harnessing their skills, creating new products and services, and helping customers with more technical help, and consulting services.

Virtuos has used this opportunity to beef up its offerings by revamping its product portfolio strategy, building new competencies in CRM and CX Technologies, and researching into other areas of Digital Workplace, IoT, Digital Twin, and Rainbow of CX technologies.

VUCA Framework

VUCA stands for Vulnerability, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. Turn VUCA to new standards of differentiated “VUCA” - Virtuosity, Ubiquity, Continuity, Adaptability. We also advise our employees and customers on the strategy to handle epidemic disruption, how to address the impact on customer service and support delivery, and how we can serve customers worldwide.

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About Virtuos

Virtuos Digital Ltd. (Formerly Virtuos Solutions Private Ltd.) is a leading Customer Experience (CX) & Digital Transformation Consulting company with its corporate headquarters in India, and the USA serving global customers. Virtuos has two important business operations namely Consultare and Xonomy.

Virtuos Consultare

Virtuos Consultare delivers industry-specific counsel and the integrated, end-to-end solutions that support its customers' strategic, operational, and financial goals. Virtuos is an Experience consultancy that provides superior customer moments and implements leading CRM and Customer Experience Applications — Oracle CX; Salesforce CRM and Microsoft Dynamics amongst other niche players. Other consulting services include Our Industry 4.0 ready Business 4.0 operations — CXDesk; O.Digital and Talentare; Digital transformation and high-performance Customer Experience (CX) Transformation Services. Consultare flagship CXNow Program delivers CX Audit; Customer Journey Mapping, and Voice of Customer Analytics for large customers worldwide.

Virtuos Xonomy

Virtuos Xonomy ideates and incubates next-generation businesses harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud, ECommerce and Digital technologies. The Innovation On (formerly Innovation Open) lab under the aegis of Virtuos Xonomy is a think tank to breed and bootstrap new ventures that include Budh;; and (Part of BIGV 4.0 As A Strategy) and a host of unique Experience Cloud and Experience Crowd applications. Virtuos Experience Cloud business comprises a CEDAR strategy — Cloudle; Enforce;; Aury; and Rigour. Virtuos Experience Crowd business will launch its first product CustomerNow crowd in 2020.